Welcome Back

Tuesday 13th August 2024

We hope students and families have had an enjoyable summer.   We would like to share details with you regarding the first week back (Wednesday 14th – Friday 16th August).

All students return to school on Wednesday 14th August at 8.40am.

ALL Students

All S1-S6 students should arrive at school for no later than 8:35am and make their way to their ‘house room’ for 8.40am.  ‘House teachers’ will re-issue students with their timetables, share important messages and complete registration. At 9am, S1 students will attend a year group assembly.  S2 – 6 will attend their P1 class.

All full list of house teachers, house rooms and designated classes is posted on the year group google classrooms.

All students should bring charged Chromebook and other necessary materials such as a refillable water bottle.

S1 Students

S1 students should meet their S6 Buddies in the playground from 8:30am onwards each morning (just like the June transition days). Please remember to bring along your S1 information card, just in case you forget your school house or registration class.

As you are aware, all S1 students must remain on campus during break and lunch times. With this in mind, all S1 students must either bring a snack and packed lunch or have their ParentPay account topped up so they can buy food/drinks from the dining hall.

S6 Buddies

We are very fortunate to have over 80 fully trained and dedicated S6 Buddies, who will continue to assist our new S1 students during the first week of school in August (Wednesday 14th to Tuesday 20th August).

S6 Buddies should ensure that they register with Mrs Main and Mrs Sharp in the Atrium at 8:30am to collect their signs. S6 Buddies will then meet their classes in the playground and escort them to their house room/house teacher for 8:40am.

S6 Buddies will support their allocated S1 classes around the school and between classes for 5 school days. S6 Buddies will then also conduct a class visit in late August to touch base with their S1 students.

Head Teacher’s Update

At the end of each week, our Head Teacher will continue to share plans for the week ahead.

Please check our school website for whole school updates as well as our social media platforms:

X (Twitter) @LasswadeHSC

Instagram @lasswadehighschool

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HT Update Response: 17/09/24

Response to feedback submitted from HT Update week ending 12/09/24. 

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Welcome Back

HT Weekly Update: Week-ending Thursday 12th September 2024

Given the holiday weekend our HT Update is published on Thursday afternoon. 

Whole School




HT Update Response: 09/09/24

Response to feedback submitted from HT Update week ending 06/09/24.

Whole School




HT Weekly Update: Week-ending Friday 6th September 2024

This concise weekly HT Update is generally published every Friday afternoon.