Friday 19th January 2024
This concise weekly HT Update is generally published every Friday afternoon. It’s a simple opportunity for you to also feedback/ask questions via the link at the bottom of each Update. Feedback received, where appropriate, will be responded to and published each Monday on the school website.
Key messages from this week
Calendar: next week’s significant events: on Tuesday there is a drop-in session on an upcoming Midlothian consultation from 5.00pm, see below, it’s also our Senior Phase Course Choice Information Evening, from 6.00pm, see below (please note this is an on-line event); on Thursday we’ll hold our S6/Staff Burns Supper; Friday is a Dress Down Day, we also expect to have completed our S2/S3 Course Choice process by Friday.
Staffing: Congratulations to Scott Cairney, PT Melville House, and his wife on the arrival of their baby boy, Ruari, this week. Congratulations to Grace Watson for securing the permanent youth worker position at LHS after successful interview.
Parent Council: Thank you to those parents able to meet with us last night, via Zoom, for our fourth Parent Council Meeting of the session. The meeting lasted just under one hour and the main focus was on how parents/carers could support learning at home. Miss Whittingham presented on this. Click here to access her slides. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 19th March.
Music Success: Congratulations to our performers who represented the school in the Dalkeith Rotary Club young musician of the year competition on Monday evening. The standard was excellent and there were outstanding performances from Alex Mason on Electric Guitar and Morgan Murphy on Piano, Maggie Goodall was awarded first prize in the vocal category. Maggie will perform in the next round of the competition in Musselburgh next month.
Medication in School: Please be aware that our PCWOs can only administer prescribed medication in school. We are not able to store or administer un-prescribed medications for specific students. This includes paracetamol, ibuprofen or antihistamine tablets that have been bought over the counter. Our PCWOs will be in touch to return all un-prescribed medication next week.
S1 HVP Vaccinations: The S1 HPV Vaccinations, scheduled for April, are intended for all S1 students and those students who may have missed this vaccination previously. Consent forms will be sent home with students over the next week, please complete and return to the school office before the February break.
Senior Phase Course Choice Evening (S3-5): On Tuesday we have our on-line Senior Phase Course Choice Evening from 6pm to 7pm. Students, parents and carers will be guided through the process which starts after the February break. We have live presentations from our partners at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh College and Skills Development Scotland (SDS) who will highlight the range of exciting pathways open to students. Joining details will be sent on Monday, if you do not receive them and wish to attend please e-mail We look forward to seeing you there.
Midlothian Consultation: A reminder that information was posted on our website last night regarding a Midlothian consultation focussed on Beeslack and Penicuik. It affects us due to the proposal that Loanhead and Paradykes primary schools are re-zoned to Beeslack when they get their new school. Click here to access the website story.
If you have any feedback/questions relating to this update please submit them via the link below
Take Care
Campbell Hornell, Head Teacher
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HT Weekly Update: Week-ending Thursday 12th September 2024
Given the holiday weekend our HT Update is published on Thursday afternoon.
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HT Weekly Update: Week-ending Friday 6th September 2024
This concise weekly HT Update is generally published every Friday afternoon.