HT Update: Response 17/06/24

Monday 17th June 2024

Response to feedback submitted from HT Update week ending 14/06/24.

My Question | Comment | Suggestion related to the school this week is: HT’s Response
I know it wasn’t mentioned in this week’s update but has been of late; bus pick ups from Loanhead have been happening at the previous times (7.48am for our daughter) as I’m sure you will have noticed due to the bus still arriving at school at 8.05am approx. However, on Friday despite also picking up at 7.48am the bus sat in a side street for 10 to 15 minutes before dropping off at school – I’m pretty certain this isn’t what was envisaged when the bus companies agreed not to drop off before 8.20am. We are hoping this will be sorted for August!! Our Business Manager is monitoring the situation and reporting into the travel Team on school issues.

I’m meeting with the Travel Team on 18th June to discuss next steps.

We are frustrated and are working to resolve concerns and ensure that companies are not dropping students off too early.

My daughter was told that the school badge would be available to purchase so it can be sewn on to a plain jumper. When will this be available to purchase? Many Thanks We’re sorry to report that while we hoped to offer this service we have been unable to secure this option for families.  We weighed up cost/quality and were unable to secure value.
It would be helpful if when a teacher informs students they have a test/assessment on a certain day that they stick to the agenda outlined please. Of late my children have had to restudy multiple times for the same test as the teacher keeps postponing. This leads to extra stress for the students who are prepared and then in turn a build of assessments across multiple subjects in a short period right at the end of term. If some students have not studied for the original test date then that is their prerogative and should not then be the burden of other students who have. I asked Student Support staff to contact the parent for additional detail.  We now have that.  We’ll raise with the team concerned and report back.
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