HT Update: Response 03/06/24

Monday 3rd June 2024

Response to feedback submitted from HT Update week ending 31/05/24.  There was a specific question,  see below, and I phoned the parent,  abridged version of response below.

My Question | Comment | Suggestion related to the school this week is: HT’s Response
Has there been any discussion with Lothian buses over transport to and from Rosewell, in light of the new school hours? Getting the double decker from Rosewell means arrival at school by 0815 which is now a bit too early. I’ll need to check where we are with that one.  I do know that public buses are more tricky to align with the school day.  When/if we can get some movement I suspect it’ll be August at earliest.  I’ll keep the Rosewell parents and students updated.
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