P7 Open Evening 2023

Thursday 28th September 2023

On Tuesday 24th October 6pm-7.30pm, we will be hosting our annual P7 Open Evening. The event will be held in the school building and we look forward to meeting as many families as possible.

The P7 Open Evening aims to support P7 students and families in a number of ways:

We understand that families are extremely busy and have many commitments, therefore we are making the evening as flexible as possible. At 6pm, there will be a 15-minute presentation (presentation 1) in the Assembly Hall from the Head Teacher and the P7/S1 Transition Team. This presentation will be repeated again at 6.45pm (presentation 2). Once we reach capacity in the Assembly Hall for presentation 1, families will be asked to join presentation 2 at 6.45pm.

This means that families will have the remainder of the evening to explore the school and visit workshops. Staff will lead all of our workshops and you will have the chance to get involved in experiments, games and activities as well as ask subject-specific questions.

We suggest that you arrive at Lasswade High School for 5.45pm/5.50pm as this is one of the busiest events in our school calendar. There will be refreshments and music for you to enjoy in the Atrium. Staff and Senior Students will be on hand to guide you around the school and you will receive a programme on your arrival.

In order to make the evening as comfortable as possible, we are asking that all families complete our brief RSVP. Link to RSVP: https://forms.gle/ULw55pKvjdw1eU4Q7

Out of Catchment
If you live outside of our school catchment area, there is no guarantee of securing a place in S1, even if your child currently attends one of our associated primary schools. You are more than welcome to attend our P7 Open Evening to get a better feel for our school, should you decide to pursue a placing request (via Midlothian Council).

Please follow us on Twitter and Instagram as well as our Parent Council Facebook page and school website for news and updates.

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