HT Weekly Update: Week-ending Friday 7th June 2024

Friday 7th June 2024

This concise weekly HT Update is generally published every Friday afternoon.   It’s a simple opportunity for you to also feedback/ask questions via the link at the bottom of each Update.  Feedback received, where appropriate, will be responded to and published on Monday on the school website.  

Key messages from this week  

Calendar:  Significant calendar events next week;  on Monday we hold our Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) Final with young people advocating on behalf of local charities; on Tuesday we have a ‘mop-up’ vaccination service with the NHS Team visiting; on Wednesday through Friday we are delighted to hold our P7/S1 Induction days with over 300 new students in attendance;  next Friday is our 2023/24 S6 Prom,  held at Murrayfield Stadium,  with students and staff celebrating the end of the school experience for our S6 Leavers.

Staffing:   On Monday we welcome Jordana MacDonald as our new PT Pathways:  Creative Industries. Jordana will help to drive our curriculum developments as we aim to link more with business to support work based learning opportunities for our students. 

Emotional Regulation:  We have been asked to share this opportunity, i.e., workshops aiming to support parents, carers, and other family members to understand how their young people communicate and regulate and explore strategies to support this across the day.  The workshops are run by Midlothian’s Speech and Language service.  For additional information,  click here.

Parental Employability Support:   Please click here to access further information for those seeking support to access employment.   

Pathsforall:  I am pleased to say that we’ll be working with this charity next session.  The aim is to increase walking and cycling  amongst our student group.  The charity is currently recruiting for a Development Officer, click here. The successful applicant will primarily be based in our school, we hope from August, and work with us on this exciting opportunity.  Don’t be put off by the Stirling based element of the advert.  I’ve spoken with the charity and while they are based in Stirling, the Development Officer will be based in our community.

SQA Appeals: SQA will publish guidance for students next week. This year will work like last year, in that learners can request an appeal which will involve a clerical/ marking check of their SQA assessed components. 

School Day Timings:  A reminder that our school day now begins at 8.40am each day.  We’ll still finish at 3.25pm on Monday through Thursday and 10 minutes later, at 12.15pm,  on Friday.  Please also note that we’ll retain split breaks and lunches on Monday through Thursday but will trial a combined break on Friday.  Full details are on our website, click here.  We’ve offered some reminders to students, and staff, this week via our school tannoy.  We’ll keep doing this until new routines are embedded.

School Transport:  I have been in discussion with the Transport Team all week.  We are monitoring the morning drop-off times which should not be happening before 8.20am but in some cases are.  We report this into the Travel Team.  I have a meeting with the Travel Team on 18th June where we aim to address persistent breaches of what should be happening regarding drop-offs.  In addition,  this week I met with a representative of Lothian Buses.  They lay on a double decker each morning and at the end of the school day (Monday through Thursday) that allows students to travel to/from Rosewell.  With the current schedule students arrive a wee bit earlier than 8.20am.  They have agreed to look at the possibility of revising this morning schedule and I’ll meet again with them in August. Lothian Buses revise their schedules in the Spring and Autumn so no change will be possible until later in the year.  

We Will Rock You:  Tickets for our summer show went on sale this week, and are selling quickly  Performances will take place on the 26th & 27th of June at 7pm in the Assembly Hall  As you will be aware, the Performing Arts Team has been hard at work to bring you this year’s amazing production of ‘WE WILL ROCK YOU’. Tickets are £8.00 and are available for purchase on ParentPay, click here.  Thereafter, tickets should be collected from room 006/007.

School Uniform T-Shirts & Polo Shirts: We have introduced the option to buy t-shirts and polo shirts with the Lasswade Logo, these are now available to order on the BE Uniforms website.  For ordering information and price details, click here

If you have any feedback/questions relating to this update please submit them via the link below

Feedback here

Take Care

Campbell Hornell,  Head Teacher


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