Senior Phase Course Choice

Our Senior Phase course information below provides a wealth of information on the wide range of courses available to students as part of their personalisation and choice as they move into and through the Senior Phase of school.It is helpful for students and parents/carers to have a clear understanding of the subjects offer before and during the course choice process so they can make informed choices. We have made these available for parents/carers and students below and would encourage you to take time to look through these and discuss what choices might be suitable.

Simply click on the curriculum area of interest below to see what subjects are on offer within that area, then click on individual subjects to find out more about each course.

Coursing Form S3 into S4

Coursing Form S4/5 into S5/6

Some courses are only available to specific year groups and this is noted where applicable.

Students will be supported through their PSE lessons during the course choice process in February/March and will complete a draft course choice form for parents/carers to sign, so if there are any questions which are not answered in the relevant information video on this page, it’s easy to ask for help if you need any. Final choices are made around mid-March.

To find out more detail about the senior phase experience please click here.

For more information about Edinburgh College use these links

Edinburgh College Information for Senior Students (Video)

Edinburgh College Information for Parents/Carers

Edinburgh College Information for School Leavers (Video)

Edinburgh College Information for School leavers

For more information about Level 6 Foundation Apprenticeships use this link

L6 FA Brochure 2024/25


Curriculum Areas
